Saturday, January 12, 2008

Just When You Thought...

...It was safe to go back to work.

Last night, I was on MSN when a girl I work with back home asked me if I was in Edinburgh yet. I told her that due to car trouble, I was infact still around. "Fancy covering a shift for me?" I obliged, because she's covered a few shifts for me before, and I had nothing else to do of a Friday evening.

So, I goto work, a few people ask why I'm back, the usual. The night was quiet, resulting in me not actually standing behind the bar for the first hour or so of work, and instead speaking to Danielle, the girl in the cloakroom. Then I took my break, and when I came back upstairs, I was surprised to learn that the place was bloody mobbed! So, I began actually working, until a customer came to the bar. A rather pretty girl, she asked for "G and T, Vodka soda lime and a Corona, please."

I walked over to the only fridge that holds Corona on the bar, and noticed a bottle of Carlsberg propped against the door, ready to fall. I decided I'd catch it, and thus opened the door quickly, dropped down, and swiftly HEADBUTTED the corner of the fridge door. Straightaway, I knew the result wouldn't be pretty. I put a lime in the Corona, poured a G and T and a Vodka soda lime, and then went to the cash register. As I entered the lady's purchases, I noticed a small trickle of blood making it's way around my eye.

I turned round, told the woman the price, and her jaw dropped as she handed me a £20 note. "Your... Your face! It's.." "I know, I'm bleeding, it's just a wee bit, don't worry. I didn't bleed in your drink."

Upon glancing at the mirror again, I realised why she was so alarmed. I had a full streak of blood running all the way down the right side of my face. Rather sinister looking stuff.

I declined hospital treatment, but took my bosses up on their offer of "You can finish early."

In essence: NEVER cover a shift for someone!


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