Monday, May 26, 2008

Man at Work.

It's clear that I've not posted in a while - there's a few reasons for this, which essentially all boil down to me being too fucking busy!

I'm finally getting stuck into my Uni work, only to have major setbacks along the way. Today especially has been a fucking disaster, and it's only 10am!

Stayed up the whole fucking night, after waking up at 1pm yesterday [Aye, I still enjoy my lazy Sundays!] catching up with some more notes, and then decided to turn my attentions to this lab report I've been avoiding all week. Unfortunately, as a result of my complete cock-up of first and second terms here, I was stuck without a fucking scooby what to do on it. So, seeking help, I goto my "Small Group Tutorial", hoping to stumble upon my mentor, or maybe my post-grad. And, I thought, While I'm fucking here... Can I get my TSB back?

The TSB is an elusive creature, seen only three times by myself. Twice I saw it in first term when I bought it, and then got it handed back to me.During the entire course of 2nd term, I saw my beloved TSB once. Then, I had to hand it in for the Easter break.

However, since coming back from Easter, it looks like somecunt's decided to do a repeat of my Christmas holiday, and make a disappearing act with my fucking Tutorial Solutions Book as the main fucking item! As such, I've not seen the book that I *need*, since handing it to the folk who are supposed to mark it. And, best part? Without it, I can't hand in some coursework, that comes to about 25-35% of the grade! BASTARDS! It's clearly all part of some bloody plot to keep me from succeeding.

And just now, I've come back from the School Office for my course, where a terrified-looking wee woman with glasses on searched in vain for my book before suggesting I ask my post-Grad. This woman makes me nervous, however - mostly because of her pathetic, shivering demeanour, which makes me feel like I've just stood next to my own mugshot on an special Catch the Rapist episode of Crimewatch - so instead of coming out with "I've just seen him, and asked him, he says naw." I thank her for her useless help, and fuck off oota there.



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