Saturday, August 09, 2008

The Olympics, and Why They're Mank.

Is it just me, or do the Olympics bring out the most disgusting habits in people?

Bad enough Paula Radcliffe took a dump during the Marathon in Athens - aye, she claims it was only a pish, but she coulda kept running, not squatted, and it would've gone un-noticed. She had tae push a shite oot!

But anyway, as I was saying - I was watching the Olympics earlier on today, the Beijing 2008 ones, and decided "Fuck, Volleyballs on! Tidayyyyy!", and, being a complete raging-hard-on bloke, put it on, expecting to see some gratuitous crotch-shots of nubile womens...

And what do I get, but utter disappointment?! I get two minky Chinkies, and two Swiss dogs... playing SHITE volleyball [Aye, I was watching it for the sport... Hah.]... When, 5 minutes into my viewing, the camera does a crotch-shot on one of the Chinese lassies, and she's having a pish on the fucking sand she's playing on! Her fanny was dripping something rotten! Pouring, honestly!

You cannae take those Olympians fuckin' anywhere!


Blogger Eashmuch. said...


did that really happen?
im intrigued.

August 13, 2008 2:32 pm  

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