Tuesday, January 06, 2009


ions. hah.

Aye, for the first time in many, many years, I've decided to make a few of those New Year's resolutions, but this year, I've decided to keep track of them on here, so it looks like I'm actually putting a bit of effort in for once. Hah.

So, the resolutions:

1) Get back in shape.

- This is because after years of having an alright body, staying relatively in shape, the girlfriends have finally taken their toll. Beginning with my 2nd girlfriend, about 4 years ago, I've started slowly gaining weight, until this past year, when I put on a full stone and a half, all of which transferred to my stomach. Thus, I've decided to get back down to under 12stones, and my waist to be a comfortable 34inches. [So yes, JME, I'm finally gonna join that gym of yours, and i'll even use your kettlebell if I have to!]

2) Get through first year.

- I mean it this time, I really do. Last year was a disaster, for a number of reasons. Regardless of my countless appointments, court appearances, and travelling, I should've passed it. I could've worked harder, and this year, I intend to. I'm not worried about getting awesome grades, I'm just worried about passing.

3) Play my guitar more often.

- I've been neglecting my guitar for about a year now, so I've decided to treat it to a lovely servicing when I'm back in Edinburgh, and then to play it at least twice a week. I'm also setting my sights on improving as a player, as it's something I always wanted to do, but now I just don't make the time for it. Sorry, warlock!!!

4) Get this zombienation movie done with MKS!!!

5) Take more photos, in general, and upload them to Flickr.

- I have a pro account, but never seem to upload anything to it these days. What's the point?! Thankfully, I got one of those kick-ass actionsampler cameras for christmas, so I should be shooting some more photos soon.

6) Biking over Scotland, and taking lots of pictures!

- I figure, I've passed my test, I can legally take a motorbike anywhere I want to, so why not go for it? (Y)

That is all.



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